Historical Adventures in New England

New England offers a unique blend of rich history and outdoor adventures, making it an ideal destination for travelers looking for historical adventures in New England. It’s the perfect balance of cultural enrichment and active exploration. From historical hikes that take you through pivotal Revolutionary War sites to exhilarating biking and kayaking experiences, New England’s diverse landscape promises an unforgettable journey. This guide will help you plan your historical adventures in New England, combining the best historical tours and outdoor activities.

Historical Hikes: Walking Through Time

One of the most enriching ways to create historical adventures in New England is by embarking on hikes that transport you back to significant moments in American history. These trails offer scenic beauty and a deep connection to the past.


  • Battle Road Trail, Massachusetts: This 5-mile trail in Minute Man National Historical Park traces the path of the first battle of the American Revolution. Along the way, interpretive signs and preserved structures provide a vivid glimpse into the 1775 skirmish between British troops and colonial militiamen.
  • Freedom Trail, Boston: This iconic 2.5-mile trail leads you to 16 historical sites, including the Old North Church and Paul Revere’s House. While not a hike in the traditional sense, it’s a must-do walk for history enthusiasts.
  • Saratoga National Historical Park, New York: Yes, we know this is not actually in New England : )) But this park is worth mentioning nonetheless as it commemorates the turning point of the Revolutionary War. The 9-mile Wilkinson Trail offers a moderate hike through fields and forests, with markers detailing the events of the 1777 battles.


  • Wear comfortable walking shoes and keep a water bottle with you at all times, as some trails can be lengthy.
  • Join a guided tour to learn about the historical significance of each site. Check out our Taste of New England guided tour for more info.

Bikepacking Adventure in New England: Pedal Through History

For those who love cycling and history, bikepacking historical adventures in New England are an exhilarating way to explore the region’s scenic landscapes and historical landmarks.


  • East Coast Greenway: This long-distance trail connects major cities from Maine to Florida. The New England section offers a mix of urban and rural cycling, with stops in historic towns and natural areas.
  • Cape Cod Rail Trail, Massachusetts: This 22-mile paved path runs from South Dennis to Wellfleet, passing through charming towns and beautiful landscapes. It’s perfect for a leisurely ride with historical stops along the way.
  • Island Line Rail Trail, Vermont: This 14-mile trail in Burlington offers stunning views of Lake Champlain and access to historical sites such as the Ethan Allen Homestead.


  • Gear Up: Ensure your bike is in good condition, and carry essential gear such as repair kits, maps, and plenty of snacks.
  • Accommodation: Plan your route to include stops at campgrounds, bed-and-breakfasts, or hotels along the way.

New England Water Trails: Kayaking Through History

Historical adventures in New England can also take to the water via kayak or canoe to offer a unique view of the region’s natural beauty and historical significance. Paddle through tranquil waters while discovering historical landmarks along the shoreline.


  • Merrimack River, Massachusetts/New Hampshire: This river played a crucial role in the industrial revolution. Paddle along its course to see old mill buildings and historic towns.
  • Lake Champlain, Vermont: Paddle through waters that witnessed naval battles during the Revolutionary War. The lake’s vast expanse offers plenty of opportunities for exploration.
  • Thimble Islands, Connecticut: This group of small islands off the coast of Branford offers a serene kayaking experience with views of historic homes and natural beauty.


  • Safety First: Always wear a life jacket and check weather conditions before heading out. Be aware of tides and currents in coastal areas.
  • Guided Tours: Consider joining a guided kayaking tour for local insights and to ensure a safe experience.

Visit Revolutionary War Sites in New England

No historical adventure in New England would be complete without visiting the key sites of the Revolutionary War. These locations offer a poignant glimpse into the past and the struggles that shaped the nation.


  • Bunker Hill, Massachusetts: Visit the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown to learn about one of the earliest battles of the Revolutionary War.
  • Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts: These towns are where the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired. Walk the historic battlefields and visit the Minute Man National Historical Park


  • Educational Programs: Many sites offer reenactments, guided tours, and educational programs. Check their schedules to make the most of your visit.
  • Passes: Some historical sites may require entrance fees or passes. Purchase these in advance to avoid long lines.

New England Tours: Seamless Historical Adventures

For those who prefer a more structured experience without physical exertion, New England tours offer a convenient way to experience historical adventures in New England. We blend the region’s historical and natural attractions in a way that is not physically demanding. Our guided tours include expert guides, deluxe transportation, and carefully curated itineraries that highlight the best of New England but won’t wear you out physically.

If you’d like to chat with a real person about our tours, call us toll-free at 800-759-6820.


  • Choose Wisely: Research different tour companies and read reviews to find one that best suits your interests and travel style.
  • Group or Private: Decide whether you prefer the camaraderie of a group tour or the personalized attention of a private tour.

Combining History and Adventure

Combining historical exploration with outdoor adventures can create a balanced and engaging itinerary that offers something for everyone.

Sample Itinerary

  • Day 1: Arrive in Boston and walk the Freedom Trail.
  • Day 2: Drive to Concord, explore the Battle Road Trail, and visit Lexington.
  • Day 3: Free day to relax, explore local shops wherever you choose to stay in New England.
  • Day 4: Head to Vermont for a day of backpacking on the Island Line Rail Trail.
  • Day 5: Finish with a relaxing day kayaking around the Thimble Islands.


  • Flexibility: Keep your itinerary flexible to allow for spontaneous detours and discoveries.
  • Balance: Mix physical activities with more relaxed historical tours to energize and engage everyone.


New England’s rich history and diverse landscapes offer countless opportunities for adventure and exploration. Whether you’re hiking through historical battlefields, embarking on a bikepacking adventure in New England, or paddling along New England water trails, the region’s unique blend of past and present promises an unforgettable journey. By incorporating historical hikes and visiting key Revolutionary War sites, you can create a travel experience that is both educational and exhilarating. Plan your trip today and discover why New England remains a cherished destination for history buffs and adventure seekers alike.
